Friday, 29 September 2017



This year for production I was a possum it was a bit boring because I found it hard staying quit. It was a little bit funny to  because the parents got a shock when Nathan shot me with the slingshot and the year 3-4 were pocking me. I found the my custom a bit itchy but it looked cool in the end. When we got on the stage for the first time I go a shock because everyone was looking at me strangely. The teachers put a lot of effort into the costumes. In the beginning I thought our dances was a bit funny. In the beginning it was hard working together but in the end it wasn't so hard.     

Friday, 8 September 2017

Production Rehearsal

production Rehearsal

This year year 5-6 have bean practicing our production for Monday night. I am a possum in the production and I get shot by a slingshot. For all this week year 5-6 have bean rehearsing for Monday. It was a little boring because we had to watch it over and over. But it was cool see everyone costumes. I think the production is looking really cool and our customs are great thanks to the parents and teachers.