Friday 29 September 2017



This year for production I was a possum it was a bit boring because I found it hard staying quit. It was a little bit funny to  because the parents got a shock when Nathan shot me with the slingshot and the year 3-4 were pocking me. I found the my custom a bit itchy but it looked cool in the end. When we got on the stage for the first time I go a shock because everyone was looking at me strangely. The teachers put a lot of effort into the costumes. In the beginning I thought our dances was a bit funny. In the beginning it was hard working together but in the end it wasn't so hard.     

Friday 8 September 2017

Production Rehearsal

production Rehearsal

This year year 5-6 have bean practicing our production for Monday night. I am a possum in the production and I get shot by a slingshot. For all this week year 5-6 have bean rehearsing for Monday. It was a little boring because we had to watch it over and over. But it was cool see everyone costumes. I think the production is looking really cool and our customs are great thanks to the parents and teachers.       

Thursday 6 July 2017

Proud moments 2017 term 2

Proud moments 2017 term 2

  1. Moving 6 months in reading.   
  2. Moving out of alem in maths.
  3. Trialing for winter seven even though I didn't get in.
  4. Getting confidante in maths.
  5. Learning how to play the base with Mr Gemmell.
  6. Getting better at working with a buddy. 

Friday 30 June 2017

My speech reflection

This week I did my speech I was so nervous. I looked down most of the time that is not good. As well I was quiet when I read it. But one of the good things were that my time was great. I am so happy because I got it dun in the end and I didn't get to nerves. Do you know that one child dies every 5 week in new Zealand because of child abuse. I chose child abuse and new Zealand is the worst in the world for child abuse.         

Friday 23 June 2017

Book talk

Book talk

My book is could Zac power night raid. Its about zac going on a mission to find out how stool millions of dollars from the bank and stop the gold from leaving the city. Zac had to go throw under ground tunnels fool with crocodiles. Zac found out that the bad guys hid the gold under big mouth factory.                       

Thursday 15 June 2017

The native bush

The native bush

The leaves were  landing on the ground in front of me.

The big tree toured above me like giants.

The stones  heart my feet as I step  on them.

The ferns shined in the sun.

The flax shadows looked like snakes.